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Updates Week 28 Aug - 3 Sep
May 20, 2022

Exciting updates keep on coming with Inteleagent 🥳


  • You can change the email address you use to login to your Inteleagent account.


  1. STUDENT VISIBILITY for the user roles permissions:

    • Owner - can see all students

    • Manager - Can see only students

      • added by himself or someone in his office, or

      • assigned to him or his office by the Owner

    • Education Advisor - Can only see the students:

      • added by himself, or

      • assigned to him by Owner or Manager, or

      • assigned to his office by Owner.

  2. Added the ability to assign multiple team members to a student profile:

    • Owner - can create and assign students to any office or team member

    • Manager - can create students and assign them to anyone in his office only.

    • Education Advisor - can create students, but wont be able to assign students to anyone. The students will not be visible to any other Education Advisors from his office or any other offices. The student will be visible to his office Manager only. The students will be visible to the Owners.

Students created by a user, will be visible to that user by default.

The assigning event will be recorded in the student activity timeline: " {team member name} was assigned by {user name} on {date}{time}"


  • White label URL customisation: you can change your Inteleagent account URL to match your company's URL.

✨ We added the ability for users to edit the instalment number;

✨ You can now move application tasks from one stage to the next through a simple click of a button;

✨ We have removed the agent name displayed in brackets for each provider in the process of creating an application;

✨ We have added date filters for Applications and Students databases;

✨ We have added a unique reference number record for every student;

✨ We've added student counsellor information to student portal, so the student knows exactly what counsellor is taking care of the application;

✨ Providers and Courses database recieved a huge upgrade. All CRICOS registered providers and their courses are now in the database ready for you to add them to your account.

🔧 We've fixed a bug where a Manager could not see the students of an Education Advisor from his own office. ✅

🔧 Pushing contacts from Encharge to Inteleagent was not working, so we fixed it. ✅


⚡️ Major feature

✨ Improvements

🔧 Bugfix

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